The understanding of our natural environment has never been more important than the present. 人口增长带来的压力, 增加发展, 改变社区, and changing climate present serious problems to ecosystems locally, 在全国范围内, 和全球. Programs to study and monitor our environment’s health are widespread, 通过联邦和州政府机构进行, 大学和许多私人组织. 这些项目需要热情的, dedicated individuals with the necessary training to carry out intensive field studies on individual species, 社区, 和生态系统.
学生 in the program will choose between the Wildife Rehabilitation and 生物学领域 specializations. 这两个专业都以动物学课程为特色, 植物学, 地球科学, and chemistry and offer plenty of hands-on experience at the 麋鹿谷自然保护区及野外站 and the 五月野生动物康复中心.
毕业后, 野生动物生物学 majors will have both the necessary knowledge and skills to find employment as biologists for a wide variety of employers including the National Park Service, 国家林业局, 环境保护署, 陆军工程兵团, 国家农业推广项目, 州立公园和县公园, 环境评估和修复业务, 动物园, 鱼类孵化场, 私营林业公司, 公用事业公司, 环保组织. 学生 will also have the necessary curriculum and experience to be accepted to and succeed in graduate school.
从第一学期开始, you will take a curriculum with a variety of courses relating to plant and animal natural history in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. 这些课程包括动物学, 生态, 生物学领域, 野生动物康复, 植物学领域, 鸟类学, 哺乳动物学, 淡水生物, 保护生物学, 和动物行为.
The program is based on the belief that field experience is vital to the understanding of ecosystems. Field experience includes exposure to a wide variety of habitats, 包括水生和陆生群落, 野外观察, 收集和分析数据. 学生 are expected to be able to identify flora and fauna of an area and learn collection, 观察, 以及人口普查技术. The field experiences are complemented by a thorough understanding of ecological theory and practice as well as an in-depth understanding of the different fields of natural history. Much of the field experience takes place at the Elk Valley Preserve, 位于埃尔克河70英亩的保护区. You will have the opportunity to plug into long-term reSearch projects that include mammal, 火蜥蜴, 蛇, 鱼类研究. 大四的时候, you'll carry out your own senior reSearch project where you select a topic of your choice, 收集和分析数据, 把你的发现展示给同学和教授. This capstone experience prepares you for graduate school or a career in wildlife biology.
生物学领域 introduces students to the fieldwork component of the biologist profession. 学生 will venture out into the Elk Valley Preserve and the forests on South Campus to conduct reSearch about the region's plants and animals alongside faculty and fellow students. -
野生动物康复 is the treatment and temporary care of injured, 病, and displaced local wildlife and the subsequent return of healthy animals to appropriate habitats in the wild. 有了这个专业, 你会对护理非常熟悉, 需要, 以及野生哺乳动物的行为, 鸟, 和爬行动物. 作为野生动物康复计划的一部分, 你将参加暑期诊所, an intensive eleven-week experience spent at the 五月野生动物康复中心. The presence of the wildlife care center on campus offers students an opportunity to gain experience in caring for injured, 生病和成为孤儿的野生动物, along with working with the non-releasable ambassador animals.
是否诱捕小型哺乳动物 麋鹿谷自然保护区及野外站, monitoring macroinvertebrates in the Elk River, or helping an injured animal in the 五月野生动物康复中心, you will have opportunities and experiences that are not available for most undergraduates.
For 野生动物生物学 students the “classroom” is often a forest, field, or river. The majority of courses have a field component and a number of courses are taught entirely in the field. 当你在课堂上学习重要知识的时候, it is in the field where you learn methods relating to habitat analysis, 野生动物识别, 以及人口普查技术. 作为一名野生动物康复专业的学生, 除了你的康复工作, 你将向社区介绍野生动物项目, gaining valuable experience in the environmental education field.
Real job experiences are available through internships with Grandfather Mountain, 本地鱼类孵化场, 以及州和联邦野生动物机构. You'll also have the opportunity to travel to Belize to engage in tropical reSearch in the Maya Mountains at the Belize Foundation for 环境教育’s field station. 同样的, 野生动物康复 students have the opportunity to visit rehab centers around the country and the world, 包括新西兰, as well as attending and presenting papers at national rehabilitation conferences.
The wildlife science summer program at 美高梅博彩大学 is designed to offer a summer academic enrichment program to students who have (1) completed at least their freshmen year of high school and (2) who are currently enrolled in or have completed a high school level biology course.
- 生物学,野生动物学家, 环境修复规划师, 环境科学家, 修复
- 动物- - - - - -野生动物康复, 动物管理, 渔猎监督, 动物园的工作人员们, 动物学家, 动物管理员, 兽医
- 植物学,植物学领域, 范围管理, 林业技术人员, 林业工作者
- 公共服务,政策分析, 公园管理员, 环保督察
- 业务- - - - - -环境咨询, 环境经济学家
- 教育- - - - - -环境教育, 大学教授
职业信息通过Vault和O'Net提供. Current 美高梅博彩 students can see the full results on Vault using their student email and password.
植物专家 大烟山国家公园,田纳西州
野生动物专家 美国农业部野生动物服务,杰克逊维尔,北卡罗来纳州
野生动物学家 U.S. 鱼 & 野生动物,列克星敦,肯塔基州
海岸科学专家 自然保护协会,弗吉尼亚州
环境教育总监 祖父山,北卡罗来纳州
渔业技术人员 德州公园和野生动物部
红狼生物学家 红狼恢复计划,美国.S.F.W., NC
鱼类生物学家 欧文鱼孵化场,田纳西州
环境保护专员 环境保护局,北卡罗来纳州
生物实验室经理 犹他州土地管理局
水族馆农业家 Pine Knoll Shores水族馆,北卡罗来纳州
动物管理员 北卡西部自然中心
研究生 University of Arizona 生态 Graduate Program, Tucson, AZ
研究生 Western State Colorado University Environmental Management Program, CO
Do you still have questions about 野生动物生物学 or 野生动物康复? 在这个顾问小组中, 美高梅博彩 alumni answer the most common questions students have about the program.
Shinjini Goswami博士
Assistant Dean of Natural and Behavioral Sciences, Assistant Professor of Biology
Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of 野生动物生物学, 埃尔克河保护区主任
Amber McNamara, DVM
Director of the 五月野生动物康复中心, Senior Instructor